More Engraving Practice

In between my other projects, I’ve been working on engraving. Well, I think it’s safe to say I’ve become rather obsessed with engraving. I’ve bought every book I can find on the subject, watched every YouTube video I can find, and continue to (rather obsessively) read the forums. I’m also in the middle of an online engraving class offered by Wes Griffin, at Texas Engraving School. Wes is an excellent teacher and has presented a huge amount of information. The class is 8 weeks long, and this is week 4. I guess the apprentice program wasn’t enough for my brain - I’m challenging it to see how much I can possibly cram in there! I figure I’ll make use of every possibly minute of this quarantine, since once shows start back up I won’t have the time to sit back and learn.

I’ve been playing with both hand push and hammer and chisel, but I’ve pretty much decided to focus on hand push. It’s hard, there’s no bones about it. Some day I’ll be able to get an air assist machine, but until then I figure this will give me a great foundation (if I can withstand the frustration). I have to say, though, there is something very rewarding about silently cutting through the metal.

So far in my class, Wes has introduced Traditional Western, Bright Cut, English-style scrolls, flare cut, lettering and borders. It’s a lot of material, and he makes it all look so easy. It’s easy to feel that, “I can do that.” Yeah, no. It’s difficult to have patience with yourself and take it slow.

A wise friend, who is also taking the class, told me to back up and work on some simple practice plates, so I did just that. I’m getting a better feel for the graver, but I’m still having trouble trying to figure out what depth to cut at, and I think the graver that I made is too short so I will need to make another one. Both of these plates were cut with a 120 degree V-graver. Progress is good. But I am not a very patient person, and I tend to have rather high standards, so this is going to be difficult for me.

It’s funny how these things happen, though. Several years ago, I said I had no interest in making rings or doing engraving. As my wonderful mother has always told me, “Never say never!”

EngravingCarol Korteengraving