Seashells Pendant

Seashells Pendant


Sunrise on the beach, sounds of the surf and searching for sea shells…. Does that sound as blissful to you as it does me? Take a bit of that bliss with you when you wear this beautiful seashell pendant.

This image was hand-sculpted from a flat sheet of sterling silver using small blunt tools and thousands of hammer blows. This technique is called chasing and repousse (chasing is to work from the front of the piece, repousse is working from the back to push out the metal and create depth). The work is done freehand, so no molds, machines or stamps are used in the process. This work results in a truly unique and one of a kind piece of jewelry.

This sterling silver pendant is approximately 3/4 inch tall, and comes on an elegant 18-inch sterling silver neck wire.

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